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Generate xml file from xmlType column in Oracle

14 April 2011

I was asked recently to generate a XML file from Oracle database (10g). The column I had to use was of XMLType. XML file had to be created with a single SELECT statement.

The table (this is a sample just for testing purposes) structure was like this:

CREATE TABLE testtbl(xdata XMLTYPE);
INSERT INTO testtbl VALUES('<Field><Label>End Date</Label><Value Name="END_DATE">01.06.2016</Value></Field>');
INSERT INTO testtbl VALUES('<Field><Label>type</Label><Value Name="TYPE">Example</Value></Field>');
INSERT INTO testtbl VALUES('<Field><Label>Name</Label><Value Name="CUST_NAME">Smith</Value></Field>');
INSERT INTO testtbl VALUES('<Field><Label>Date of birth</Label><Value Name="CUST_BIRTH_DATE">27.08.1972</Value></Field>');

After few iterations I’ve finished with

SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml(' SELECT * from testtbl') from dual

and the result:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <Label>End Date</Label>
 <Value Name="END_DATE">01.06.2016</Value>
 <Value Name="TYPE">Example</Value>
 <Value Name="CUST_NAME">Smith</Value>
 <Label>Date of birth</Label>
 <Value Name="CUST_BIRTH_DATE">27.08.1972</Value>

Hope to be useful.

From → Oracle

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